Nurturing Ideas
Ready to take your idea or product to the next level?
Our programs were created to give entrepreneurs and professionals a clear path to engage and collaborate. The ecosystem helps you to make sense of your idea, coach you through your plan, and position you for success on your journey to profitability. Through our MEDC SmartZone designation, you may be eligible for additional state resources.
Right Choice
For Aspiring Entrepreneurs
Online learning access
3-phase step by step approach
Templates of business summary + pitch deck
Refine your strategy for growth opportunities
For Innovative Products / Defensible IP
One-on-one coaching
5-page business summary review
Investor pitch prep
Connections to applicable funding opportunities
For Providers with Services
Access to all members via Community Member Portal
Preferred vendors
Business connections
Mentorship + resource opportunities
Support Our Programs
Support innovation, research and entrepreneurs growing in your backyard.
CMURC is 501(c)(3) organization with diverse coworking and accelerator programs. It promotes resource collaboration between universities, industry, research, organizations, government and other community institutions to grow technology-based businesses and jobs.